Housekeeping fee for support!

Housekeeping fee for support!
Price: NZD $8.82

Keeping our Save Our Sleep support area safe.

Our sleep support is complimentary for clients using Tizzie's Save Our Sleep bedding, however the administration side of the group is funded by your small housekeeping fee of $8.

 *please note.  If you leave the Support Group and then decide later to re-join you will be required to pay the $8 Housekeeping Fee again.


Claire - Ireland
Can’t thank the crew enough for all the extra help they have given me and my son. As he’s grown and developed his sleeping changed and each time I struggled as a first time parent to understand these changes, the group and it’s support have helped me without judgment to tweak his routine so that we all get a batter nights sleep. Thank you
Reply from Tizzie Hall - Save Our Sleep - The International Baby Whisperer PTY LTD:
Hi Claire, thank you for taking the time to put this review up, reviews like this help other famlies get the sleep they need, thank you!

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